Does it make sense?

<p>If you are taking AP calculus AB as a Junior does it make sense to take AP calculus BC as a senior... or is most of the material completly the same?</p>

<p>It's okay to take AB junior year then BC senior year, but it's possible to take BC junior year (instead of AB). The material is not completely the same, but very similar to each other.</p>

<p>can you see if you can test into/be placed in BC</p>

<p>Yes, it makes sense. In my school BC follows AB. The tests are more rigorous and many extra topics (not just those on the AP) are taught.</p>

<p>Plus, it's senior year. It's ok to repeat classes that are actually repeats of junior year classes with better names. :)</p>

<p>Many schools have the AB to BC progression, but at mine AB and BC are separate tracks; the Honors students take AB as seniors and the AP-track takes BC. The lowest level, CP, is Calculus A, so virtually all students are exposed at some point, even if they are going to Cleveland State. The main difference is advanced integral coverage, parametric and polar equations, and series calculus.</p>