does legacy help at all?

<p>My son would be a 3rd generation Hokie if he got accepted at VT. I see legacy listed on the website, but does this really help you at all?</p>

<p>most certainly!</p>

<p>It does help, but colleges now tend to care less and less about legacy applications. As long as your stats are not terribly off from the school, it could help bring you into the acceptance pool for sure. Just don't plan on it being a sure in.</p>

<p>bravesgirl~you said you saw "legacy" on the website...can you tell how much weight they put on it? some schools still lean fairly heavily on legacies, so it depends on VT's own philosophy. 3rd generation Hokie has to be helpful!</p>

<p>Virginia Tech only listed that they look at Secondary School Record and Test Scores with high importance - and in fact the only two they listed - to Princeton Review. On their website, they state the the ,"most important being strength of schedule, high school GPA, and standardized test scores". They then stated the other things they look at is :<br>
* Ethnicity
* First-generation
* Leadership and service
* Legacy
* Major requested
* Participation in Virginia Tech pipeline programs
* Personal statements
* Residency</p>

<p>Also out of 12,848 students admitted last year, 1,351 were legacies. 2 in 21 students approximately.</p>

<p>So theres some data for you to consider.</p>

<p>Any comment on siblings who apply?</p>

<p>Siblings are considered legacy at Virginia Tech. There is a spot on the application to fill out that a sibling is/has attended Virginia Tech.</p>

<p>Thanks for your replies, Dal. Very helpful on all fronts!</p>