Does LMU call all accepted applicants?

I just spoke with the admissions office at LMU, but they would not disclose whether I was accepted or not. He did state that my application status had been sent in the mail. Does this mean that I was denied? I have heard that other students received calls telling them that they were accepted. Thanks

Hi @cbm345 so funny I just spoke with them as well. Did you talk to the transfer admissions assistant director? She gave me my decision over the phone and said they would have to see my spring grades before making a decision. I think that if they would accept or deny anyone, it would have to be done via email or letter.

I got an email first and a letter in the mail a few days later

@tmunoz I spoke with them today as well. They said that they were prohibited from telling me the status of my application. Can’t be a good sign. I’m a first year applicant though, so hopefully the policy is different.