I am a sophomore in high school, and I overbooked myself this year. It is absolutely my fault. I am doing honors english, honors chemistry, honors math, robotics, and a sport. I signed up for these because last year I did all honors just fine, but after seeing the work we will be doing this year, and hearing last year’s sophomores talk about their time studying and doing homework, very few took all the classes I took, and most of those who did, had their grades drop because they didn’t have enough time. I wouldn’t have enough time to focus on all my classes, especially because of robotics, but that class is more important to me.
I decided that because I plan on going to college for a STEM degree, if I were to drop a class it would be english. But when I got the course level change form from my councilor, it looks very official, and my teacher and parents (I already talked to my parents and they support it) and the assistant principal of Curriculum & Instruction has to sign it and give their recommendation. This is worrying me, because I don’t know if colleges can see that I did this. I plan on doing honors english next year, because I plan on balancing my schedule better, but should I be worried of anything by completing this process, like colleges seeing it, or will it permanently be on my record? If it helps, I live in California, just in case the rules vary.
Transferring out of Honors English wouldn’t look as bad as getting a bad grade in it. If you don’t think you’ll do well, don’t take the course.
Don’t be afraid to drop honors English if you don’t think you can handle it. As to whether colleges can see the process you went through to drop the class,I would assume not, but you should ask your guidance counselor to confirm.
I disagree…“CP” English is not where you want to be. Take Honors…and decide later if you want to take AP or not but stay at the honors level.