Does predicted score really matters?

<p>Our school is pretty messed up. I mean, seriously, some people in the office still havent learn from last graduates.
Last year, they added one mark on every subject and their predicted grades "seems" pretty good.
Luckily some college gave unconditional offers, otherwise eighty percent people will be rejected from college...
Ten people I assume, they dont tell, were rejected by schools, mostly British schools, and have to go to other choices.</p>

<p>So, for this year.
They gave extremely hard paper for our end of year test (end of the IB1 year, which effects predicted grades a lot).
Math HL paper was the real IB paper in 2014, and absolutely no normal people can have a score more than three.
And chemistry... People also failed.
For our math SL, we only studyed one year, and we are asked to take part in the IB test, the reason is we are smart enough as Chinese to finish Math SL in one year... And most of us arent really satisfied with our score gotta retake this year.
And for some reason, we have to do an additional test in start of IB2 year. Which we expected to be easy and turns out to be sick again. We didnt really do well on both tests, and teachers are giving us unreasonable low marks for our predicted grades. </p>

<p>Anyway, we are messed up. NO ONE get into college is school's fault, aint ours'.</p>

<p>Just... It doesnt really matter because it is my last year in this damn school, really, really want to warn people in junior year to transfer to better schools, to leave this place.</p>

<p>and, btw, its a ib school in china. So you can see the bureaucratic things are killing us...</p>

<p>Umm… I’m not exactly sure what the question is here. I understand you’re an international student, so your English isn’t perfect, but I don’t really see a question here.</p>

<p>Wow I think your school really needs to revamp. I’m sorry, but predicted grades play a huge role, esp. for USA and Canada. With UK, you still have a chance as they are conditional, but US accepts unconditional on the basis of PGs and past grades. </p>