Does Princeton use freshman grades during recalculation process?

I hear contradicting things here and other websites whether or not Princeton uses freshman grades during their recalculation process. What I am explicitly asking is this, not if they look at it, because I know they do, but if they dont use freshman grades for their GPA recalculation.

The AOs are the only ones who know for sure. Whether or not they include your first year grades in the GPA calculation, they will look at those grades.

How would knowing this information impact your application? Does Princeton’s NPC look affordable?

It wouldn’t necessarily impact my app it self, but whether or not I submit it. I could use the spot for a school that does not take freshman grades into recalculation. This only really applies to me, but I would probably get close or near a full ride because of my income bracket.


Have you completed all the apps for the schools on your other thread?

Refresh my memory of your questbridge status. You aren’t a finalist, correct? Are you rolling your QB app in to the RD rounds of the QB partner schools on your list?

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My understanding is that not all colleges “recalculate” like the UCs, for example, do. I have listened extensively to Yale’s podcast and it suggests there is no explicit “recalculation” – they just have a thorough look at your transcript to give you an academic rating. I have never heard that Princeton does a recalculation.

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I’ve completed the majority of the apps on my other thread yes. I decided to apply to more of my state schools though because after more research my state schools are actually fairly good, not to mention the bright futures scholarship ill get by staying in Florida.

Yes, I am not a finalist. I am not rolling my QB app in to the RD rounds because I changed a few of my essays and the transcript from my QB is no longer accurate.

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I do alumni interviews for Princeton, and in 2021, after seeing several (mostly old) posts on College Confidential claiming that the university ignores freshman year grades, I emailed the admission office about this issue. An associate dean of admission told me the following:
“We consider all four years of a student’s high school transcript when evaluating an applicant for admission.”

I guess one could argue that perhaps there’s some wiggle room there – for example, “consider all four years” doesn’t necessarily mean that they weight all 4 years equally – but the bottom line is that a student’s 9th-grade performance isn’t ignored.

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