<p><em>gasps</em> CE! That sounds like something I would’ve said! ;)</p>
<p>Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit she brought out the exclamation mark and the happy face!!!</p>
<p>Make your move now!</p>
She wants the D! :)</p>
<p><em>cough</em> Er…I mean she wants to give you her notes…yeah.</p>
<p>Great minds think alike ;)</p>
<p>Don’t forget the smiley face (I put it in for you).</p>
<p>Oh, right!</p>
<p><em>goes to change it</em></p>
<p><a href=“I%20put%20it%20in%20for%20you”>quote</a>
You’re too kind. :D</p>
<p>OMG!!! My best friend just texted me, “thanks, babe! <3” when I sent her the answers to this math homework! Is there a chance that she’s secretly a lesbian who is in love with me? D: </p>
<p>Ok. Not cool. #endtroll</p>
<p>Thanks guys</p>
<p>You’re very welcome.</p>
<p>Sick a duck</p>
<p>!!! :)</p>
<p>Don’t forget your politeness.</p>
Woah, woah! Let’s not turn this thread into a late-night chat forum! Such combinations of smileys and exclamations will not be tolerated.</p>
<p>Oh, did I overstep my smileys? Was two too many? How about 1? Or is 1 1/2 acceptable?</p>
<p>[url=<a href=“http://lh5.ggpht.com/_6lZFSd9mS60/TQTnaDBI_KI/AAAAAAAABow/wy6XAR8PcUY/s400/smiley-face-on-beach.jpg][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][size=+4]:)%5B/size%5D%5B/indent%5D%5B/indent%5D%5B/indent%5D%5B/indent%5D%5B/indent%5D%5B/indent%5D%5B/indent%5D%5B/url”>http://lh5.ggpht.com/_6lZFSd9mS60/TQTnaDBI_KI/AAAAAAAABow/wy6XAR8PcUY/s400/smiley-face-on-beach.jpg][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent]:)[/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/url</a>] </p>
<p>Now when your smileys start hyperlinking, then you have a problem.</p>
<p>Just realize that excessive emoticoning is a treasonous offense.</p>
Hey babe. My pen’s full of ink and I’m ready to combine our notes…</p>
<p>I sort of roll my eyes when CCers say “grow a pair and ask her out”</p>
<p>(***** Niquiii…she thirsty…)</p>
<p>Ok guys, if she’s asking him for notes, she probably just wants the A.</p>
<p>hahah thanks, The Atlantic.</p>
<p>Lol I chat like that too… It’s gotten to the point where I feel like I’m almost being rude if I don’t include at least three smiley faces
But yeah, OP, you should ask her out!
(Omg, upon rereading, I realized I have an exclamation point and a smiley in this post. I swear, I didn’t even intentionally type those… my fingers have a mind of their own…)</p>
<p>…oh CC members, you make me laugh.</p>