<p>Hey all ! :) I was considering Bing as a school i want to go too but im also sorta a shy person at first until someone gets to know me. Does Bing have a bad social life? I'm worried I would have trouble making friends here :/</p>
<p>How does social life at Bing compare to albany too?</p>
<p>A social life is what you make of it. You won’t find that many friends if you stay in your room l day, but if you go out there and meet some people, say hi to some students in your freshman year, and stay active on campus you should have no problems making friends. That should be true of any college." I’mm also sorta a shy person at first until someone gets to know me." I’d say that describes at least 50% of the college population, so everyone is interested in making friends and most people will have to start anew, in the same position as you.</p>
<p>Choose a school based on fit and the rest will come together.</p>
<p>Oh i definitely was not gonna just stay in my room all day
Once I get to college I was going to join clubs and maybe a fraternity and try to say hi to as many people as possible. It’s just that I’ve heard from other people that it is harder to make friends in Bing university especially for shy people so that worried me</p>
<p>I had a pretty great social life at Bing, and I was also pretty shy. I actually found it really easy to make friends. Good luck :)</p>
<p>If you are musical as your screen name implies, join a musical group and you’ll have tons of friends. Binghamton is a big school. There are going to be lots of opportunities to have a great social life. I wouldn’t worry too much about the random comments your friends make that paint the entire student body of some 17,000 people or so with a broad brush.</p>
<p>It really depends what kind of person you are. If you are the type of person likes college football and frat parties and tailgating, maybe binghamton is not for you. I’m going to guess by your username that you are a musical asian. There is a close knit music department here, a student orchestra and various a-capella groups for you to join. There are also many clubs and groups that cater to asian students. I am sure you will find your niche. </p>
<p>Compared to albany, students at binghamton tend to be more studious. A lot of people at albany are just there because of the party reputation it has. If you take academics seriously, binghamton is probably a better choice. </p>