Does taking 13 credits weaken my app?

<p>I took 5 classes and a lab last semester for a total of 16 credits. This semester I am taking 4 classes (Intro to Biology, College Algebra, Humanities 2, and a Comm class) for a total of 13 credits. Does this weaken my transfer application? Normally I wouldn't want to take less than 16 credits but at this point there are pretty slim pickings for classes and none of them really help me. I don't know if I should add say a psych class or something to make my schedule more rigorous or if 13 credits is okay in their eyes? Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Not sure if you are trying to transfer after freshman year or sophomore year. I believe it is easier after sophomore year.</p>

<p>Do you have a chance to take a foreign language class? I only mention that because when my oldest applied to Madison last spring(to enter UW as a junior), he was accepted in, while a peer with much better grades was denied. They listed the lack of foreign language as the main reason. </p>

<p>You may also want to consult the UW system Transfer Wizard to see if/how your current classes measure up to Madison’s. Not all credits will transfer.</p>

<p>I am sure others will chime in with more suggestions.</p>

<p>The above response has good advice. You will do better being motivated by your interest in your classes, taking something for the sake of credits won’t help you do your best. UW freshmen are often advised to take fewer credits as freshmen than later so your load isn’t less than some now at UW.</p>

<p>I took 2.5 years of german in high school and looked into taking german here but it conflicted with my schedule, and there was only one german class to choose from. I am currently a freshman and have everything sent to UW as of today</p>

<p>Regarding the requirement for foriegn language, I am concerned that UW may think I do not have this requirement fulfilled. The way my school worked was that the Junior High and High School were combined buildings so we were taught some classes by the high school teachers as opposed to the teachers strictly assigned to 7th and 8th graders. For this reason I took my first year of german in 8th grade, followed by my second year of german in 9th grade. Since I didn’t technically take both in HIGH SCHOOL, will this create a problem? Sorry if this is a dumb question and it wont matter at all, but im not sure if my high school would have my 8th grade courses listed on a transcript.</p>

<p>I don’t think you should focus too much on the foreign language; I just gave one person’s reason for non-acceptance. You might want to get an official high school transcript for yourself, just so you know which courses are listed.</p>

<p>As for applying, all you can do is try, I would. The admissions office will either accept, deny with a reason, or defer with conditions. My son was deferred until the end of his spring semester. The conditions he had to meet were reaching a 3.0, and not dropping any of the listed spring courses. Then we needed to send in an updated college transcript.</p>

<p>If you do not get in for the fall semester, try again for the spring 2011 semester. Just don’t give up, if you really want to go.</p>

<p>P.S. After all the hoops we jumped through to get in, my son did not go. He decided that he liked where he was, and would be able to graduate after 4 years of college. If he had transferred, he would have needed to stay at least one semester longer. This was a deciding factor.</p>

<p>I was not aware if they do not accept you that they list a reasoning for doing so. I have a 3.625, soon to be a 3.8 after I fix a grade change with a commitee at my school, so hopefully it will be enough to get in with my high school stats (3.2 gpa, 24 act) But now I am just skeptical about my foreign language requirement from HS</p>

<p>Just put in your application. I believe you have to get it in before Feb 1st, right? When we did this last year, I needed to contact our high school guidance office to transfer the high school information. As for the current college transcript, it was very easy to send it to UW online. My son also needed a recommendation from a current college professor, which he was able to procure.</p>

<p>Your grades are much better than my son’s; follow all the application guidelines. The foreign language aspect may not even apply to you.</p>

<p>The level of foreign language counts, not when it was taken. Therefore if you finished level 3 of the German you have 3 units of it. This counts for a L&S BS degree, not a BA. For the BA you need 4 of one or 3 plus 2 of a second foreign language to graduate. There are other BA/BS requirements that differ (NOT your major in L&S). You can worry about this once you need to, ie after you are a UW-Madison student. You seem to have met the foreign language admission criteria.</p>