<p>So I took the SAT Reason 3 times, including this Dec. My first test was Jan 2008: 2070 (CR:650, M:800, W:620), then Oct 2008: 2160 (CR:680, M:800, W:680), then Dec 2008: 2340 (CR:800, M:800, W:740).
Would colleges think I just got lucky since I improved 180 points in 2 months? While in reality I just had a bad day in Oct.</p>
<p>lol a bad day gets you a 2160? try an AWFUL day.</p>
<p>colleges WILL look down on your 2340. i think you should try community college.</p>
<p>lol stephennn cheer up. SoCaliii didn’t mean to sound pretentious.</p>
<p>To answer your question. No they won’t. They will just look at your highest score.</p>
<p>au contraire! i am the epitome of cheer right now, really i am pretty happy about life.</p>
<p>i just wish people would stop complaining because they had a 2160 in october (and then go on to talk about what an AWFUL score it is) and now have a 2340 - as if the fact that they showed colleges they can improve 180 points in 2 months is a BAD thing…</p>
<p>i mean seriously, people complain when their scores go down … yet socalii is complaining that her scores went up - it’s just a touch backwards.</p>
<p>so i’ll ask socalii this question: do you know any school that would frown upon high scores? </p>
<p>probably not, there is her answer. she didn’t need to ask it in a forum. if she took the time to stop and think the answer would be pretty obvious.</p>
<p>i sound like a ****** but it just gets obnoxious when you have worked to get a 2120 and here socalii is talking about how she scored a 2160 on a bad day of testing… its just obnoxious</p>
<p>but i have a thick skin and instead i make fun. plus i get a kick out of myself. =)</p>
<p>happy holidays!</p>
<p>Well it probably was a bad day for him/her, considering they got a 2340 later. It’s all relative, I know i wouldn’t be happy with a 2160.</p>
<p><em>rolls eyes at thread</em></p>
<p>SoCalii, 180 points is a great improvement, but it’s definitely not unprecedented… I don’t think colleges would worry that you just “got lucky.” Who can just get lucky on a 3:45 hr test.</p>
<p>I can definitely see where stephen is coming from though. haha</p>
<p>My question is would a 2340 after a couple 2000s/2100s look less than a 2340 on the first try or maybe half a year or so after a 2100.</p>
<p>I think they will look at the 2340 and add that to their evaluation of your whole app.</p>
<p>I think maybe you are overthinking the whole thing. I think the admissions folks have way too much to do to microanalyze your score trends. They’ve seen way too many.</p>
<p>Congrats on a great score. Now enjoy it, relax and move on to whatever else is on your list. :)</p>
<p>lmao ditto to jml, they won’t microanalyze your test scores</p>