Does UM provide Undergrads with grad school options?

<p>Do graduate schools look highly on UM alumni? Will going to Um and getting a pretty good GPA give one opportunities to go to graduate school?</p>

<p>I can tell you that my son (alumni 07), got interviews at 8 of the 10 grad schools he applied to. Was waitlisted @ 1 after interview, and accepted by 7 others. All were in the top 20 schools in his program. All 7 he was given full tuition, plus stipend, and additional fellowship dollars at three of them. Currently, he is a 4th year PhD candidate at one of the top schools. He said UM prepared him very well, as well as students from the ivies and top liberals in his cohort. </p>

<p>Take advantage of the U’s small class sizes to get to KNOW your professors, thus you will get good recommendation letters and perhaps some personal contact’s prior to application (my son did this!) and make sure you get some research experience. It is very important when it comes to grad school apps. Keep your GPA up, and study for the GRE… you will do fine! Best of luck!</p>

<p>Great to hear 1tcm! What was his major?</p>

<p>Microbiology/Immunology Major @ UM…</p>

<p>Phd student in Genetics and Molecular Bio…</p>