Does Umich care about instate/out of state for admission?

<p>I know that it will play a role in the admissions process, but is the school incredibly hard to get in to out of state?
Also, if I went to a Umich summer camp, does this increase my chance for admission</p>

<p>I don't think that it is incredibly hard to get in OOS. Granted it is significantly harder, I wouldn't even place it near the Ivies. You should go on the Stats of Admittes Students thread to get a feel.</p>

<p>I wouldn't even say it's signifcantly harder. I'd say slightly harder. The OOS field is more self-selecting, but admissions rates are similar i think.</p>

<p>It's harder, but not as hard as UNC or UCLA oos.</p>

<p>Standards are higher for OOS. Going to a U-M summer camp probably won't help your chances. What camp are you thinking of?</p>

<p>I am planning on the Classic debate institute. Will that help at all?</p>

<p>It will help you grow your mind and develop communication skills, which will help you with life, hence your ability to compile a good college application, so yes. It will help you. Please don't ask questions about whether programs "look good" on an app or not. They degrade the academic experience.</p>