Does University of Maryland have a in-state quota like UNC?

<p>Does UMCP have a certain percentage of students they have to admit, like at UNC (83% of the students have to be from the state)? Is it much harder to get in UMCP as an out-of-state student like at universities such as UNC? And if it is harder, by how much? :)</p>

<p>Never mind. I looked at the FAQ portion of the site. :)</p>

<p>I know you looked it up (yay!!!). FYI although there are in-state % at both places, it is not as difficult to get in to UMD as an OOS as it is to get into UNC as an OOS because I believe UMD gets fewer OOS applicants for more overall spots than UNC has. That being said, it still is harder to get into UMCP as an out of stater than IS, and as they are trying to diversify their OOS students, it is harder to get in from New York or New Jersey than it is if you are from Wyoming. (again, a sheer #'s thing).</p>

<p>-from a NC mom with two Terp kids!</p>

<p>I think whatever the percent used to be, they’re increasing it by ten-percent for the incoming class.</p>

<p>^^did you read that somewhere official, or are you guessing based on the economy that they would want more OOS? </p>

<p>And do they list somewhere the admission percentage for each college? I couldn’t find that on their site.</p>

<p>State universities like UNCCH, UVA and UMD follow state regs because the school is funded by the state.</p>

<p>Even a few yrs ago it was traditional that the ratio was 70% IS,30% OOS. The economy tanked…state residents freaked because their kids couldn’t get in, and most states changed the mandated ratio to 75-25%.</p>

<p>If you look in the bowels of UMD you will see that they state % of IS and OOS. Yet, at the end of the day it is like every other state university it will accept more IN than OUT because they are not private.</p>

<p>To find the acceptance rate, it is best to go to USNWR it will be off by a yr or so, but it will tell you the acceptance rate. UMDCP is considered very selective by USNWR on a national level. In 08 I can tell you that they had 29K applicants for 4K class size and acceptance rate I believe was in the 45% acceptance rate.</p>

<p>It is also important to remember that they will want diversity even if you live in state. They are not going to accept everyone from the best academic county in the state, they are going to spread the wealth. You may have higher stats and ECs than another student from a different county, but they may take that other student because they were the best from that county and you were just average in your county. A lot goes into the decision making process for a state university, it is not just pure stats and ecs. Diversity plays a big part. That is why it is also true that the students from NJ and NY are on the high end for stats because UMD does not want to be known as the SATELLITE CAMPUS of Rutgers or SUNY, instead they take students that may have lower stats from across the nation. They want national exposure.</p>

<p>I believe I heard it from a professor, or a student who heard it from a professor.</p>