Does West Point look at your Ap score?

<p>I heard that they don't really focus on Ap score. They focus on your SAT score, your rank #, and your physical assessment test. Is that true?</p>

<p>In terms of accepting you for an appointment, then yes it is true they do not look at your AP test scores. AP scores are only used to determine validating lower level courses once you're already at West Point. You also take validation tests during beast too.</p>

<p>Oh and just to let you know, they only take 5's for credit for most AP's: for AP Calculus BC its 3, 4 or 4 though and for AP Literature/Composition its a 5 plus a high SAT Verbal score.</p>

<p>Kind of off topic - for the AP Exams, I'm having mine sent to USMA, but I took a couple last year. Anyone know if those get sent to USMA as well, or just the ones I'm taking this year? If not, how would I get the old scores to USMA?</p>

<p>Random sidenote: 5's only!? Man, that West Point lot do NOT want you to test out of stuff, eh? Oh well. More fun for plebe year!</p>

<p>Oh, also, peteyflow, I'm sorry, I forgot to answer your question. The response I got when I asked that question was "We'll look at whatever you give us, but we don't ask for AP's or SAT II's." I took that to mean that you're free to tell them about it and list it on your application, but you are by no means required too. If you do well though, I recommend it. I got 5's on both AP's I took junior, listed that on my app as well as high SAT II's - didn't hurt. :)</p>


<p>lucky! I'm gonna be so mad, sitting around in a US History class when I got a 4 on the test.</p>

<p>But speaking of which- I also read on some site (just google "USMA West Point Validation" or something like that) about if one does well on the validation tests they give you up there, plus show enough background knowledge on the subject, one can be validated of a particular course regardless of AP score. That's what I'm banking on anyway- it'd save me that $300 I would've used on AP tests which I know I won't get a 5 in, even in English, my strongest subject, because I don't know if 630 is a high enough SAT Verbal score.</p>

<p>Oh and regards to your question- I'm pretty sure they'll send all of them. Kind of like how when you send more recent SAT scores to a school, they get all of them, even the ones you took before. You might wanna check up on about that though.</p>

<p>wait so college board send sat score with ap score?</p>

<p>No, they're just saying that like when you take the SAT multiple times, they send all of your previous score in the grade report. So if you tooks some Ap tests your junior year and take more your senior year, they send ALL of your AP scores.</p>

<p>but i didnt take ap tests through college board. Just at school. So college board won't send them right? Or do you have the choice to block them from sending ap scores?</p>

<p>Uh..I took my AP Lit exam today. Its College Board. Was it THE exam or some practice thing your teacher made? The AP courses are run through College Board. They make up the tests every year.</p>

<p>you need at least a 700 on the english section of the SAT to even be CONSIDERED for taking USMA's english validation exam/essay.</p>

<p>is there anyway you can prevent them from sending it? Or no?</p>

<p>I was given a white Student Pack that had a form on the back that you could mail in to cancel your scores from being sent to the colleges you listed as recipients. Thats the only thing I can think of.</p>


<p>damn...that sucks. I guess I'll be stuck in basic English and US History lol. Yay! =)</p>

<p>do you guys know how they give credit for IB tests?</p>

<p>all this stuff is encouraging, but when you enter into beast, there's a week or so of testing where they determine your aptitude in every subject area, and then they use that data to place you in a class for the next semester. at the end of reorg week in the fall of yuk year, you'll finish out scheduling your 8TAP (8term schedule)</p>

<p>What if you fail those exams?</p>

<p>would it be wise to prepare for those aptitude tests beforehand?</p>

<p>you can try to prepare, but it's all about base knowledge. as to the failing question, it doesn't matter, there are basic level classes just in case</p>

<p>Math, history, and chemistry are the only required tests. Otherwise the other subject tests are placement/validation tests. Yeah, the only subject in which you can get dropped down to below a basic level is math. However, that is only for people who don't have a good grasp of Algebra II/ Pre-calculus math. As for the history placement exam it's for either US or World. If you want to take US history, bolo the test and score bad. You might feel foolish, but it's worth it. The world history class is a misnomer. The entire first semester is AP Euro History all over again with the second semester focusing on a section of the world. Finally, the chemistry exam is relatively easy. Anyone who scored a 4 or 5 on the AP exam should be able to be place into the advanced chemistry program. It isn't for everyone, but it is worth checking out. This is advice that I wish I had gotten during beast, especially about the history exam.</p>