Does Your Intended Major Influence On Your Admission Process?

<p>I've always wondered this.</p>

<p>I listed "Spanish And Community And Culture" as my 1st major, Alternative: Latin American Studies</p>

<p>I was wondering if UCLA even consider your intended major (for my case, my application is full of Spanish Community service and my personal statements were influenced by my motivation to be a Latino leader)</p>

<p>Anyone know?</p>

<p>yea probably. engineering is a little harder to get into than the others. your major is probably one of the easier ones to get into i would imagine.</p>

<p>all majors within the college of letters and science have no bearing on your admissions.</p>

<p>Spanish Majors are easy to get into?</p>

<p>idk lol i cant see it being harder than say engineering if major really does matter.</p>

<p>Alright got it</p>

<p>MAJOR IS NOT CONSIDERED when applying to CL&S</p>

<p>engineering is its own school, and HSSEAS is harder to get into than CL&S.</p>

<p>Intended major is only important for selected programs, such as Engineering, dance, theater, film…</p>

<p>this question always gets asked. use the search function, and you should find something.</p>

<p>Follow VTECaddict’s advice. </p>

<p>your major choice does not matter. only the school you apply to (College of Letters and Science, College of Engineering, Dance, Film, etc.) matters. So, your admission will be considered equally to others within the same school that you apply to. Engineering, with lower admission quotas and higher standards for math/science, will be more competitive than say CL&S.</p>

<p>alright, what if the major doesnt get any new freshman?</p>

<p>thats like saying what if everyone gets 100% in a class. or flipping a coin 100 times and always landing on heads. technically possible, yes, but it just doesnt happen.</p>

<p>oh, I see.</p>