<p>We don't have a limit on the # emmared, but no one has ever selfl-studied for an ap exam EVER. so i'm not sure if it's even allowed or not</p>
<p>The state of Texas provides money to schools if their students do well on AP exams. Thus, the schools can offer a subsidy.</p>
<p>It sucks for me, because I was studying AP Psych. If we want to take a course, we have to take it in another public school, which sucks because I already live 11 miles away from my school and to have to go farther would be an even bigger hassle for me. That's why I didn't take APUSH this year, because it's a two-year course in my school (ugh), so I'd be limited to three. I take three APs either way, but I just don't want to have the same class twice. Regardless of how many APs we take (1/2), they always charge 82/test. No changes, ever... and it's a pretty well-funded school. </p>
<p>My school's really low on honors classes too. We have one (English) - the very first one, so it's obviously the only one I'm in. Everything in my school is a competition. You can have perfect grades, but if the teacher doesn't like you, they won't allow you to enter an honors or AP course. Getting into chemistry in my school is a competition - the sophomores who have taken biology and had high grades in freshman math are the only ones eligible to take chemistry. It's really, very dumb, because last year, we (the current juniors/former sophomores) were the ones who didn't benefit, because chemistry is regarded as a "junior course" in my school. You have to be in Math B (NY Standards) to take it, and most of us had just finished basic Math A (NY Standards). </p>
<p>If somebody goes to the guidance counselor and requests to take an AP test that has already been scheduled for administration, but if the person is not in the class, the guidance counselor will automatically shun the student. </p>
<p>oh and edit from old post: a city public school*</p>
<p>guys i am in IB and i have to pay for both the IB and the frekaing AP tests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111</p>
<p>totals to about 1000 bucks!!</p>