don't know how i will be able to afford?

<p>well i was recently accepted with a 16k scholarship..which is extremely great. however, my step father makes over 500k a year, and since he is my step father feels no obligation to pay for my school. i havent talked to my real father in years, and my mother currently has cancer and can't i'm left with an extremely high efc and no chance for financial aid, so basically it'd be about 35k a year to attend miami..which is extremely high..and unaffordable. any suggestions? i've applied for quite a few outside scholarships..and no news there anything else i can do to possibly get some educational expenses paid for? i would LOVE to attend u of miami, but at the same time need to think realistically when it comes to affordability..ehh please respond with suggestions</p>

<p>I'm sorry to hear about your moms illness I hope she has a good recovery. I think you need to call the school and tell them what you just told us. You must have good grades to get 16000 I'm sure the school would love to have you there. They do make exceptions for special circumstances.</p>