Dorm Assignments!

<p>OH Boy! I got into Coronado (aka. Score-A-Nado; 9 Floors of Whores)! This should be very interesting! One big huge party 24/7! I picked a difficult major, so hopefully this won’t keep me from studying at least a little bit!!</p>

<p>What dorms did everyone else get assigned to?!</p>

<p>Hey, I got into U of A but I'm not sure I'm going. Does this definitely kill my chance of getting a room? Even as a freshman?</p>

<p>I would like to know the same thing, seeing as how guaranteed housing payment is due march 1</p>

<p>haha, man just study at the library. You won't be complaining</p>

<p>question regarding the guaranteed housing payment due by march 1 please:</p>

<p>i applied about 3 weeks ago and last week got the letter saying my app is complete so i have heard that i will be getting my decision letter in 2-4 weeks.</p>

<p>if that comes after March 1 and i want to put a down payment down for Arizona... will i not get housing ahhh i am confused..</p>


<p>yea same here im confused</p>

<p>could anyone help us lol.</p>

<p>i guess we are both just a little confused at to if we can still get a dorm if we are accepted after march 1st...</p>

<p>thanks a lot!</p>

<p>I got my dorm assignment earlier this week and the student link website says that my payment is due my May 1st, but I got an e-mail saying that my payment is due by March 14th or my housing will be cancelled. I'm kind of confused. If I were you guys, I definitely wouldn't pay anything until you know that you are guaranteed housing. If all else fails, just call ResLife and ask.</p>


<p>all i am wondering is if, lets say.</p>

<p>i am accepted after March 1. ok..</p>

<p>then i mean in the acceptance letter do they send you forms about dorms and stuff i mean wouldnt it seem right that you could still put down a nonrefundable payment? no?</p>

<p>ya... they send all of the dorm info in the acceptance letter. You don't have to pay the non-rufundable payment until you know that you are definitely accepted and what not. When you get your acceptance letter I would definitely apply for dorms right away seeing as how they fill up very quickly!!</p>

<p>Paragraph 7a. of the 2008-2009 University Undergraduate Housing License Agreement says that “If you are an incoming first-year student and your confirmation deadline is earlier than May 1, 2008, your $200 confirmation Rent payment is due by May 1, 2008.”
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>PS - I got into La Paz, which I heard is the most requested dorm choice. How is that dorm?</p>

<p>How long did it take for you guys to get your rooming assignments after you applied for housing?</p>

<p>i dunno i just applied about two weeks ago so i should be hearing something within a month n a half i hope</p>

<p>heres how it worked for me:
applied for housing on march 3rd.
paid 200 dollar deposit.
got assigned to arizona-sonora triple on approx april 20th.</p>

<p>When you go on a campus tour of UA, they take you into La Paz. It's actually pretty nice but the rooms are TINY. I guess La Paz and Villa del Puente are the two dorms that are hardest to get into. Those two dorms are really nice, but from what friends tell me, the social scene sucks. On the other hand, the older dorms are outdated and not as nice, but I guess the social scene is great.</p>