House and hall notice?

<p>Hi umm i finally applied for housing yesterday and was wondering how long it would take for me to find out when i will be assigned :)</p>

<p>As the site says, you should find out in mid- to late July.</p>

<p>oh thanks :slight_smile: but how do people already know their dorms they got into</p>

<p>I haven’t yet applied, but I plan to send in my deposit tonight. They are apparently about 75% full.</p>

<p>“but how do people already know their dorms they got into”</p>

<p>I know mine since I’m a returning student, but incoming freshman shouldn’t know now.</p>

<p>haha yea the site says its 75%. ok thanks cafe. So incoming freshman like me wont know till mid-july? really! i cant wait >_< hopefully i can land in coronado or az :)</p>

<p>Does anyone know anything about La Paz - the pre-business wing?</p>

<p>My son got his dorm assignment in early March. He was accepted in December and we made a deposit that day for housing. He got his first choice, Coronado. A lot of freshmen already know what dorm they’re in - if you look at the facebook group for the class of 2014, you’ll see that’s true.</p>

<p>U of A is notorious for running out of housing for incoming freshman students who apply for housing late (like around now). If you’re just starting to look, you might want to check into off-campus housing also.</p>

<p>It’s pretty unlikely that if you’re applying now you’ll get into Coronado or AZSO.</p>

<p>elizabethh, the website says that they’re 85% full right now. That would suggest that there is still room if new students apply right away. Also, Coronado and AZ-SO have terrible reputations, so why would they already be full?</p>

<p>i’m an incoming freshman and i found out my housing through the u of a email account. i’m assigned to the hopi lodge and i’m trying to figure out whether or not to try for reassignment?</p>

<p>icdumppl: You’d be surprised how quickly AZ-SO and Coronado fill up. I had a number of friends apply for it last year and none got it because of how many people want it. It’s like Preacher’s Daughter Syndrome: all of these freshman think that because they’re away from Mommy and Daddy for the first time that it’s a good idea to go into a dorm filled with alcohol and pot. (Granted, the majority of our dorms ARE filled with alcohol and pot… Only difference is that those dorms gloat that information.)</p>

<p>lauradoyle, I saw a youtube video on hopi lodge. [YouTube</a> - Dorm Tour With Ralphie!](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>You can also check out the pictures on the UA site: [ResLife:</a> Hopi Lodge](<a href=“]ResLife:”></p>

<p>We went ahead and put down a housing deposit for our daughter, since it is looking like she will be attending U of A this fall. We didn’t apply for housing until 4/5, and we were worried about being guaranteed housing, so she emailed her admissions counselor, and this is what she said about being notified:</p>

<p>“The assignments go out to a couple thousand students, once a month.”</p>

<p>So, from that statement it sounds like you (we) won’t have to wait until July to find out.</p>

<p>The housing assignments go out before July, but you don’t find out roommate(s) and their contact info until July.</p>

<p>icdumppl: “Terrible reputation” is a matter of opinion. For my son, being in a quiet dorm with kids who are studying all the time would never work. He’s not a great student, and he’s very social. Frankly, if he WAS a great student, he wouldn’t be going to University of Arizona…but that’s a whole other discussion.</p>

<p>He is going to school for many reasons, academic, social, to learn independence, to grow up…he wanted to be in a dorm with a lot of action. He also knows that if he screws up he’s coming home, so he will have to figure it out.</p>

<p>AZSO and Coronado fill up quickly because they are perceived as the fun dorms. Parents of kids going to U of A who aren’t in the honors program and/or very academically motivated are hopefully honest with themselves about who their kids are and what they’re capable of doing academically. No matter where these kids live, they will find the fun if they want to, and I think most of them figure out how to manage their lives fairly well.</p>

<p>When can I apply for housing? Once I get my admittance letter right?? Am I guaranteed housing if I apply now? It’s 95% full … :&lt;/p>

<p>I wouldn’t expect housing since you should have done it months ago to make sure you’d be on campus. I’d still apply and then start looking around at the apartments near campus.</p>

<p>Ugh… I didn’t get accepted till a couple days ago and still have not received a letter. ■■■… This is going to change my mind on going to UA.</p>

<p>Atomic Cafe is right. My D started in a very dorm-like apartment close to campus and got a dorm assignment midway thru her first semester. The move was fairly easy too.</p>

<p>So not everyone gets a dorm assignment in mid-July even though they’ve applied before the residential office was full?</p>