Dorm for freshman girls

any thoughts on preferred dorm choices?

@sixblessings Colby is the all girls dorm. But, the less picky you are about preferences (honors v. Not, girls v. Co-Ed, with a roommate v. Random single, freshman v. Any level housing) the more options you will have when they place you…which may give you more options in your favor. Lots of great housing at TCU. Two new Sophomore dorms to free up room for freshman options.

If you can, live in the Honors dorm.

Milton Daniel (honors dorm) as top choice.
Colby is all girls which can be fun, but could lead to drama as imaginable. Clark is in a nice location. Foster is also fine. I might stay away from Sherley and Waitts since they are farther away and some years get reputations. But as another poster said, it’s all up to personal preferences.