<p>I will be attending Foothill's honors program this fall and I need to figure out a good living situation, Perfect Situation: Dormitory-like place with other driven students. I have not been succesful at all in trying to place a room available close to Foothill (I don't have a car). I have tried Craigslist.com and Foothill's website. Any one have any other ideas? I know it is a longshot :)</p>
<p>CCs don't offer dorms. Your best bet is to try to find other students who want to share an apartment. As far as locating these people...Id say bulletin boards on campus, campus newspaper, etc.</p>
<p>lol girl im sorry but you wont be able to find an apartment for miles around foothill. it sinteresting its named 'foothill' because its at the TOP OF A BLOODY HILL. its also surrounded. by hills. the closest you'd get to an apartment near there would be an apartment near stanford which is about 5-10 minutes drive and 20-30 minutes on marguerite, if it goes there..which im not sure it does. but otherwise, if you look up the website i think they offer some form of student housing but no guaratees. other then that, dorming/apartmenting is going to be a headache because real estate prices in that area are pretty woosh. i mean, it is cupertino/palo alto. you're looking at LEAST 500 for a double or something. in all seriousness, go to de anza. its 10 minutes away, much easier, and housing is absolutely a piece of cake to find. not to mention buses run every 15 to de anza from like EVERYWHERE IMAGINABLE. and de anza has an honors program too. foothill succkksss</p>