Dorms for transfer students

I will be going to bing next fall as a transfer student and want to know what people recommend for dorms. I want to be surrounded by people who are also transfer students or are around the same age as me (I will be 20).

I am looking at CIW and I have heard that “rebels” live there, but other than that I have heard good things about the community. So I am just wondering what people that go to bing/people that have lived there think? Did you like living there? Was there anything that you didn’t like about it?

I am also looking at Newing, but I am concerned about it being known as the place where frats/sororities are. I do consider myself a social person, but I do like my quiet time. I do like to go out and have fun every once in a while, but I don’t want to be living in a party place. I might like living there but I might not. I am not sure if I want to take the risk and maybe end up hating it and being stuck there. I am considering joining a sorority, but I want to get a feel for it first. For people that lived/live in Newing, what did you think of living there? Too loud? Was it hard to make friends? I read a review online saying that people from Long Island stay there and knew each other from high school. Is this true?

What do you recommend for me? I don’t really want to live in the apartments because I feel like I will miss out on the social events on campus.

Hey, Treestumpgirl, I am transfer student as well. I was previously a student at Vassar College, who applied to Brown university, Duke university, Williams College, Boston College, Amherst college, Binghamton,and Stony Brook, and got accepted to all, but ultimately decided to matriculate at Bing for the its outstanding scholarships and financial aid package (I was practically fully covered). During my first semester at Binghamton, I resided at College in the Woods, Onodaga, (CIW) with a freshman, who I didn’t really spoke to much since we have conflicting interests, even though the students here are pretty down to earth. And because I was a much older student, around the same age as you, making close or inmate friends at CIW was difficult - all I did was study, join volunteer organizations, and solicit for job opportunities. In addition, the dining hall at CIW is exceedingly expensive when compared to other dining halls at Binghamton, with the price ranging from 7-10 dollars for a decently-filling meal, but they do open late until 1 am. Overall, the foods are decent, the price isn’t worth it, and the students are chill at CIW.

Currently, I am living in Hinman, and due to the harsh weather, nothing much is happening besides residential festivities organized by the RA and RD. If you want a social and preppy setting, Hinman might be good for you, since it is corridor style, with a main lounge per room with suite mates. Making friends at Hinman are much easier in my perspective.

Now on to Newing: I have been through Newing and Dickinson a couples of times while used their dining hall (They both use the same dining halls C4, btw). The people in both community do seem to be a bit stuck up (for the lack of better word) and arrogant, and I tried my best to avoid them as much as possible - who needs additional stress coupled with class work? And if you wish to join a sorority, there are many campus that are readily accepting new members. All the fraternity and sorority are listed online and you can see them when walking into the Bartle Library.

If you have anymore questions besides residential communities, or if you other inquires in regard to classes at Binghamton, feel free to BUMP this thread.

Best, David