Dorms & health/food

Hi , I’m an accepted freshman student that will most likely (95%) be attending Binghamton this fall 2017. I am a vegetarian and really value my fitness/health-i cook the large majority of my food, and hope to continue to do so. So, what im asking is this : at Binghamton, are there are dorms with kitchens available to freshmen? Would you say for the most part it’s easy to find good/healthy food options on campus? Just nervous about this stuff . Thanks!

I could be wrong, but do not believe any on-campus dorms have kitchen facilities in rooms. There may be on-campus apartments with kitchens for upper classmen. There may also be kitchen facilities available in dorm public areas.

You will find plenty of vegetarian options in the dining halls. Trust me.

Congratulations on your admission.

In Newing, we had a communal kitchen with a fridge and oven. Pretty sure most buildings also have that. There are a lot of vegetarian options. Mountainview has a Mediterranean bar you might be interested in - pita, hummus, olives, etc. There’s also a station specifically for healthy options. Forgot what it’s called. They’d have things like baked sweet potatoes, salmon, roasted vegetables.

There is usually 1 communal kitchen in each dorm with a stove that you can use to cook and bake. The cafeterias do have vegetarian options although sodexo food is not always the highest quality. There is a wegmans nearby with a lot of a good organic food section. There is an on campus food co-op that serves hot meals. The food all vegetarian but unfortunately they do not accept the meal plan.