
It seems like all the social dorms (Bobb and Elder) are on North campus. If I want to be on South campus, are there any social dorms there? And what’s more important, the dorm itself or its location? Because I really want to be in a more social dorm but I don’t know if it’s worth living in North campus with the cold winters.

NU has a really small campus - compared to other B1G schools. So, it’s no big deal… you can walk from Tech in the North to the Sailing Center in far South in 15 minutes:,+2145+Sheridan+Rd,+Evanston,+IL+60208/Northwestern+Sailing+Center,+1823+Campus+Drive,+Evanston,+IL+60208/@42.0539226,-87.6779843,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x880fda9f1ce32d5f:0x2ed194bb956cab66!2m2!1d-87.6758774!2d42.0578062!1m5!1m1!1s0x880fd076c3fbaa99:0x2aab0da5a783a287!2m2!1d-87.672455!2d42.050646!3e2?hl=en

But yes - you should plan to dress warm at times :slight_smile: