
I am hearing reports from recent visitors that the U OF Miami dorms are a bit antiquated. Anyone have any info as to any new dorm plans? Is there an honors dorm that is nicer than the others?

Yeah the freshmen dorms are quite limited amenity wise but new dorms are on the way in fall of 2019. No honors dorms exist. Upperclassmen dorms are much nicer but many people never live in them as they move off campus as sophomores.

Antiquated meaning what, it’s not a four-star resort? It’s a freshman dorm. You get a room with a desk, closet, bed, drawers, closet, a floor bathroom, laundry, common area, etc. Was good enough for me and my friends in similar conditions years back. We somehow managed with such meager accommodations. Oh the horror!

Antiquated compared to its peer institutions.

There is a new dorm being built in the middle of campus which will be completed in Fall 2019. Unfortunately, my son is in his Junior year so will miss it. He is in Mahoney, an upperclassmen dorm and it is quite old. They are also planning on updating the other dorms. Here is a dorm article:

I would say that the downside of attending U of Miami is the dorms and dorm food. However, everything else is fantastic!

College is much more than just a dorm. We have visited many campuses, some with worse dorms, others with new and excellent dorms. It’s really the people you need to consider. Find a campus that has people on your same wavelength. My son attended the U of AZ because he had a full scholarship. However, he was on a different wavelength with the students and there was nothing to do in Tucson, plus, the students weren’t excited to be there and since it was a state school, most were broke. He tried clubs, frats, everything, but people were just bored and unexcited so they either smoked or drank for fun. BUT, they are super strict in the dorms re pot and alcohol, so the doors are all closed and you can basically hear a pin drop. Even his two roommates left after one semester due to the dismal atmosphere. After 2 years, he transferred to the U of Miami (where he wanted to attend in the first place) and had a blast in the first few days and continues to tell us that he is living in a dream. The students are: smart, friendly, happy, and interested in doing things. The academics are more rigorous but he is so happy there. While he was in a new dorm at UA, he was miserable there.

I highly recommend you visit campuses before deciding, and visit them during the school year when students are there, not during the summertime.

@AnalMom , totally agree. Miami is high on my son’s list. Thanks for the info about the new dorm.