<p>Can someone tell me what the dorms are like?</p>
<p>They are no diff then others</p>
<p>old…out of date…foods not too terrible though.</p>
<p>it kind of depends on which dorm you choose to live in. PAR/FAR, TVD, and the 6 pack are very “dorm” like – no ac, small rooms, etc; not glamourous but definitely livable. ISR and Busey-Evans are both generally considered to have nicer rooms. if you want suite style living or nicer rooms, you can always consider private housing.</p>
<p>when do you get to choose?</p>
<p>Your admission package should come with dorm application (or come shortly after) in which you get to note a first and second choice. Highly advise that if you want housing choice that you send in housing application with down payment promptly after you get it. Choice of housing is given out in order of receipt of applications for it and those who wait until April to May 1 to apply for housing risk ending up in temporary housing.</p>
<p>Dorms overall are adequate but nothing special and rooms are fairly small. Mention above about ISR or Busey-Evans (which is women only) having better rooms than others is really not correct. In fact ISR rooms aren’t as good as many others, but they are sought after by engineering majors because of proximity to engineering quad. ISR and Busey do have air-conditioning which only a small number have and which is desirable only for about the first month of school. Rooms in the six pack area (west side of campus and which have highest first choice demand), including ones nearby that are not counted as part of six-pack, have somewhat (not that much) larger rooms than others; the dorms on the east side of campus, PAR, FAR, LAR, ISR, Busey, and Allen (which dorm is limited to those requesting Unit One Living-Learning Program) have the somewhat smaller rooms. FAR (Florida Avenue Residences) lives up to its name by being the farthest from the main quad and walk is lengthy (there is campus bus system).</p>