<p>I know y'all must be sick and tired of the "chancemeforhypscolumbiabrowncornelldartmouthetc" posts but hear me out. I genuinely don't know if I am considered competitive for these schools. Do I have to have won a national competition, a distinguished award, or the like to stand a chance? Started a business, written a book, etc? I posted this before as your run-of-the-mill chance me thread with minimal replies so I decided to try a different approach, which was what you just read. Here goes:</p>
<p>I am a rising senior (girl) at a specialized public high school in Brooklyn, NY. My dad works at a deli store and makes around $20000 a year and my mom is a housewife, so we're not exactly rich. I'm Yemeni, so racially I classify myself as "other." My school doesn't rank whatsoever but I'd say I'm near the top 10%. My stats:</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0, weighted (my school doesn't provide us with the unweighted)</p>
<p>SAT 2's: U.S. History-800, World History-770, Literature-770, Spanish-710</p>
<p>APs: US History-5, World History-5,Spanish-5, US Gov-5, English Composition-5 (I'm an AP Scholar with Distinction.)</p>
<p>My ec's: Editor of school newspaper, secretary of UNICEF club, member of Big Siblings. During the summer of my freshman year, I volunteered at a local Islamic community center as an Arabic teacher for young children. The next summer, I volunteered at my dad's store because he needed the extra help. This summer, I'm volunteering at a local public library. </p>
<p>Senior Year: I'll be taking AP Statistics, AP Comparitive Government, AP Literature, Forensics, Civil Law, Ethics, and Criminal Law.</p>
<p>So what are my chances for the Ivies? Or NYU? Or Barnard? I'm looking closely at these schools but I really have no idea how competitive I am in regard to other applicants.</p>