Double in Thurston

Housing assignments got released today and I got a double in thurston on the 5th floor. I already knew my roommate so that’s fine. Thurston wasn’t one of my top choices though. I’m an introvert, and from what I hear, Thurston is loud most of the time and there are parties all weekend starting Thursday. I’m okay with not studying in my room, but I don’t like partying all the time and need some time to myself. I also need to have a pretty regular sleep pattern or else my mental health goes down the drain, so will it be loud the whole week and can you hear everything through the walls? Basically, is thurston really that bad, or should I be fine since I’m in a double?

Also, how is the kitchen? Is it gross and are people always using it? Is kitchenware provided or should I bring some pots and pans and keep them in my room? Are there any common ingredients that are there for the community (like spices, flour, salt, pepper, etc) or do I need to bring all of those things as well?

Okay, sorry for the long list of questions. I just want to know what I should expect in case I need to room swap. Honestly, any tips on living in Thurston for someone who is not super outgoing and social all the time would be great! Or any tips on living there is appreciated!

I’m in thurston on the 5th floor too!

@rosebudd21 I can’t speak from experience about hearing noise THROUGH the walls, so I’ll leave that to those that have lived there. My experience with dorms was that you heard the most noise through the floor/ceiling. If that’s still true with Thurston, I’d assume you’d be ok because you’ll have doubles below and above you, and parties are more likely to happen in larger rooms. I know that’s a lot of “ifs” but it’s all I’ve got, lol.

As far as the parties, though, it’s not really all week long. The loudest nights will be Thursday thru Saturday. Other nights should be fine. If you don’t have any, I’d suggest some nice ear plugs. Even some noise cancelling headphones will be nice.

The kitchen, like most shared kitchens at GW, will be at least somewhat gross. While there may be community pots/pans, I suggest brining your own stuff if you plan on cooking. Most students don’t, or they keep their “cooking” to microwave meals. And as far as spices and stuff, no, there won’t be anything there alredy unless other students supply it and share.

@rosebudd21 if you want to swap message me - my daughter got a quiet room in Cole and wants to be in Thurston.

What are dorms on Thurston’s 6th floor look like? I heard some of the dorms are totally renovated and some are still very drab. Also saw a pic on Overheard at Gw’s page of a surprisingly nice thurston dorm