Double Major at Cal Poly SLO

I have recently made a pros/cons list of all of my top colleges and have decided that Cal Poly SLO is my top choice. I applied for a major in the business school (finance). However, I have come to also really love math and am looking to double major. Is that a possibility?
My SAT is a 1410, 630 R 780 M.
I have had a 4.0 UW all four years.
I’m not too concerned about being busy, i’m great at time management. And more importantly, I am just curious if it is a possibility and what I would need to do make that happen. Currently a high school senior and have not been admitted yet but am expecting to receive admission.
Thank you.

Double majoring at CP is VERY difficult, but possible. The question you have to ask yourself is why are you any better off with the second degree other than more personally edified? You can take enough extra math to make you suitable for lots of quantitative heavy business jobs without the extra time and cost.

I see no reason why it wouldn’t be allowed. Many of my friends at Cal Poly are double majoring, and it is generally approved as long as you can keep your GPA up and have a plan to still graduate within a reasonable amount of time. I don’t believe there is too much overlap between the business and math majors, however I know there are a good number of free electives in the business major which could be filled with math classes. Additionally, I know a good number of people in business who are able to graduate in 3 years, so to double major and graduate within 4 seems within reason. Once you arrive on-campus as a student, department counselors should be able to help you plan this out.

Thank You!

I think a double major is difficult as well, not just at Cal Poly, but any school of this caliber. If you love math, I would consider a math major and apply for a minor in economics or another business related minor. Also, if you decide to do a business major, look at the course curriculum available online and compare it to the economic course curriculum. The freshman curriculum for both majors are the same except for the level of math. I would do the harder math if you are enrolled in business so you can transfer if economics if you feel its a better fit.

To free up time for a second major or minor, make use of your AP credits. Importantly, look at taking online summer classes to fill your general education classes from Foothilll College and similar type schools. If you work hard, you can get two GEs done in the summer making it possible to add a minor or second major. Cal Poly is a fantastic school and nice location, so take time to enjoy where you are and sign up for clubs and get involved .

I’m not familiar with a second major, but I have looked into their minors that seem just as beneficial. They have career fairs that will help you make contacts and also see what companies are looking for. Best of luck and enjoy!