Double Major Availability...?

<p>My major is Political Science but I would like to double major in Finance if at all possible. The email that was sent regarding major changes noted that all business majors are unavailable and I was wondering if that is just for the primary major (if that even exists) or is it also difficult to double major? I know that for competitive majors like architecture and engineering they say you can possibly get a spot if you do well at VT if you are university studies or something, so I imagine it is the same for Pamplin? Also I am doing the honors program so I was wondering if that would help me in trying to double major in finance and polisci. Will some business majors decide to switch to make room for me? (haha) This may be a really silly question but I don't really know the ropes so any insight would be appreciated. Go Hokies!!</p>

<p>The major is probably listed as unavailable because freshmen and sophomores under Pamplin all have to do a 2 year foundation program before applying to their major, which would be finance in your case. The checksheet can be found here ([Checksheets</a> | Undergraduate Programs | Virginia Tech](<a href=“Undergraduate Programs | Pamplin College of Business | Virginia Tech”>Undergraduate Programs | Pamplin College of Business | Virginia Tech)). Once you complete those requirements, you can apply for “Upper Division Clearance” and also add Finance.</p>