Double major in Harpur

Hey guys, is it possible to do a double major at Binghamton? Interested in a psych/neuroscience major coupled with a comparative literature major. How hard would this be to handle? Thanks

Hi @Hollybear19 my D is currently a freshman in Harpur and double majoring in Biology and Spanish. She has not had any trouble navigating requirements for both majors, and expects to graduate in 4 years, with some study abroad.

If it matters, my D did come into Bing with 21 AP credits, and as a scholar she does have “ghost credit” which help to give her priority in scheduling. So either of these may be a factor. However, she knows many others who are also double majoring at Harpur.

Thank you so much! If it’s okay, may I ask another question? How does your daughter find the workload with a double major and the core requirements? (Even though she already had credits entering lol) Thanks again!

Your daughter will gain access to DegreeWorks, which allows students to track their progress on their degrees, whether it be major, dual-major, and/or minor requirements. The registrar at Binghamton will review submitted AP credits and will list them as “transfer credits” to see what class requirements can be fulfilled, which is then listed on your daughter’s DegreeWorks’ portal.

Each major has an advising office as well, which is a great resource for any questions about degree progress, requirements, etc.

@Hollybear19 my D has found the workload doable–as it is easy to have many AP credits and scholars classes count for core requirements.