Double Major in MSE and ME question

I'm doing my University honors CoS planner, and I got to my senior year. I'm planning on double majoring in MSE and ME, and I was wondering if I will need to take both senior design classes, or if I can consolidate the two and do one senior project to fulfill both majors. Does anyone know if this is possible?</p>


<p>It’s not normal, but you MAY be able to talk them into it. You’d need a particularly robust senior design project though. You’ll likely need to clear it not only with both advisers but also with the senior design advisers.</p>

<p>Agreed; it will be difficult if at all possible.</p>

<p>If you’ll be on campus soon, now might be a good time to get to know the honors advisors in your departments. Technically they’re not “your advisors” yet because you won’t be in the department until second semester at the earliest. If you send a nice email I’m sure they’ll be more than willing to help out and maybe even set up an in-person meeting (mine did)</p>

<p>Honors advisors are great and if there’s a way to make what you want to do happen, they’re the first step.</p>