<p>I was just wondering if it is a good thing to double major: International Business, an east asian language/east asian studies, then minor in Microbiology or Biology.</p>
<p>I'm more of a science person but I am really interested in international business especially in Asia. I also want to work in a place where science is involved, like a pharmaceutical company or something. </p>
<p>what do you think? Will I be able to get a job in the future?</p>
<p>I have no idea what that last guy said, but here is my advice. The pharmaceutical industry in the united states is protected (as far as I know) so I would say, maybe not unless you plan on purely doing things abroad. I know a guy who wants to do business for pharm companies and he is majoring in bio with a minor in business. Maybe chemistry could be a better option, and this way you wouldn’t be limited to pharmaceuticals.</p>
<p>i’m kinda same as op - i am a major in Business and Polisci and minor in Biochem —but i am transferring to umich and going econ maj/ bio minor and going to law school for corporate law… get a JD/MBA i hope. then go from there - something to differentiate myself from the pack</p>