<p>How long would it take to major in Political Science and Buisness Administration-Inerternational Buisness Concentration take from the University of Illinois Urbana?</p>
<p>You could only attempt that if you are admitted to the business college, the hardest one to get into. That college does not accept double majors from the other colleges at UIUC. Thus, if you are dmitted to LAS college for political science, you would not be able to attempt a double major in business. However, you can attempt to go the other way; LAS accepts double majors from the business college. You would need to apply and be accepted for the second major in LKAS for junior year. To apply you would need to complete in the first two years those course Poli Sci students usually take in first two years and thus you will need to find places in your business college schedule to fit those courses. Also, there is a minimum GPA for accep[tance into Poli Sci as a transfer or double major and it seems to keep rising (believe it is now 3.2) and that merely gets you considered not accepted to second major.</p>
<p>If you actually attempt it (most don’t and large numbers who come to UIUC convinced they are going to double major come to their senses by end of first year and drop the idea), how much more time that will add depends. If you come in with a number of AP credits, your chances of doing it in four years is better than if not. You will alsom likely face issues of conflicting class times for some courses you need in business and poli sci during a semester forcing you to puit off a course for one smester. Often, you are looking at adding a year to your four program but some actually can do it in four.</p>
<p>I hav e taken 7 Ap courses. Would this shorten my time?
Ap Langugage Composition
AP American Lit
Ap Govern ment and Politics
Ap microeconomics
Ap Statitics
Ap enviormental; science
Ap euro history</p>
<p>Possible to do in four years if you actually have that many AP credits. Problem issue may be course scheduling – what many can face when trying to do two majors is discovering in a semester that a course they need for one major is at the same time as one they need for the other and both are needed as prerequisites for some future courses that you will need to take the next semester. That won’t necessarily happen, but it is a killer to your entire planned schedule for graduation even if it happens only once. </p>
<p>Also, double majoring and trying to keep on schedule to graduate in 4 to 4 1/2 years essentially eliminates the possiblity of doing a coop, going to work for a company for one full semester and usually the connecting summer, which can then lead to later job offer after college. </p>
<p>Again, you can only begin to attempt what you plan by actually being admitted to the business college when you apply for admission. It has the lowest rate of admission (40% or under), does a full file review considers essays and ECs important, and having excellent grades and very high test score is no guarantee of admission. Then following that you would need to be accepted into LAS for poli sci beginning of junior year.</p>
<p>Is Political science at UIUC good?</p>