Double Major

<p>Hello there, </p>

<p>Im wondering how easy it is to double major at madtown and if its worth it due to a big chance of not graduating in 4 years. Im planning on majoring in CS (L&S not engineering) along with another major in some sort of business (finance, administration etc) and hopefully a cert in German. Are the colleges pretty good about letting students double major in 2 different colleges?Will this be even close to doable in 4 years?
ALso i will have a bit of AP credit coming in if that helps 5-AP World History 4-US World History 5-AP Environmental Science 5 -AP English language<br>
and... planning on having a 4-5 in AP Physics Mechanics, AP Euro History, AP Calc AB, and AP English literature</p>

<p>thanks for any feedback</p>

<p>forgot to add this but here it is</p>

<p>[Advanced</a> Credit - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“]Advanced”></p>

<p>thats link for ap credits</p>

<p>Mike–read some of the other threads on here re: double majors at UW-Madison. It’s definitely doable within two different colleges, although there won’t be as much overlap as if the two majors were IN the same college, so you’ll be taking more courses to accomplish this. And if done right it’s doable in 4 years. Your AP credits will help get some of the core courses out of the way, but that’s about it. Two majors & their prerequisites will eat up a lot of those 120 credits needed to graduate. </p>

<p>I’m assuming you’re a HS senior, so you have to apply first, be admitted, then if you do, secure an advisor in each of your majors. Good luck!</p>

<p>APs will give you elective credit, but don’t often get you out of course requirements. AP foreign language and calc will. Having AP credit also gives you advanced standing so you’re more likely to get the classes you want.
The business school has a lot of required classes. 28 classes (not credits) by my daughter’s count, some of which are gen ed classes that can apply to another degree. That said, she’s doing a double major. She took some summer classes.</p>