Double Major?

<p>I think I have definitely decided to go to Purdue! The only problem is, I don't quite know what to degree in. I want to design phones and/or computers, so it has to be a type of engineering. Would it be best for me to get a degree in Electrical, Computer, or Mechanical engineering? I'm not quite sure what the difference is. Should I double major in two to increase my chances of landing a job? Since their all engineering, would it be a big load or would some of the classes like math and electives count for both? If one of those degrees is the best for what I want to do, should I still double major, but do something besides engineering, like computer science? I am a straight A honors student, so I don't think having a double major be too difficult. Suggestions would be great, thanks :)</p>

<p>Being a straight A honor student, I think you can do double major or you can do 1 major and 1 minor and you can try to finish the minor if you still couldn’t get a job by that time.</p>

<p>Take AP classes and exams so you can skip some lower level classes and make time for more courses required for both majors.</p>

<p>Post this on engineering majors forum.</p>

<p>As a straight A honor student you should know that in your post “their” should be “they are”. You might want to consider brushing up on your writing skills as you consider a double major.</p>