Double Majoring Question?

<p>i recently enrolled in Virginia Tech as an Aerospace Engineer. here is a link to the requirements for a degree:
<a href=""&gt;;/a> </p>

<p>however, i also was looking into CS as a possible are those requirements:
<a href=""&gt;;/a> </p>

<p>my options were to: </p>

<p>1.) double major in CS and Aero
2.) Major in Aero and minor in CS </p>

<p>wat would be the overall best option for me? would it be pretty difficult to do a double major with these 2 courses? would a minor be more than enough and render a double major pointless? would i be stressing myself too much to do this double?</p>

<p>also if i do decide to minor in CS...wat electives are decent to take in the Fall semester as a freshmen?</p>

<p>how difficult is it getting admission into Virginia Tech for Aeronautical Engineering coz i am also thinking of applying there next year.</p>

<p>not too difficult if you have the stats</p>

<p>You aren't applying directly to any major, so you cannot say what the stats are for applying to a certain major in the school of engineering. You choose your major after your first year, assuming you have the proper requirements. Admission wise, you just apply to the school of engineering and compete against everyone else.</p>