Double Majoring?

Is it easy or hard to double major at Miami? If a person wanted to double major in Business(health sector management/policy or economics) and biology or neuroscience, is it doable or possible to get a 3.8 GPA? Would I better off just minoring in one or the other? I have AP credits in AB/BC Calc, Bio, Chem, Psych, and Gov

@redwingz123 I noticed this your third thread in an attempt to get this same question answered. I would tell you that there aren’t many students on this board, so this audience might not be the best place to get your question answered. You would be much better off talking to a school advisor. Also, no one will be able to tell you what GPA is possible. This will be dependent on your study habits and focus on your academics. Best of luck!!! My only parental advice to you would be to start slow and get comfortable before biting off too much.

It is very easy to double major at UM and many students do it. One reason is it gives lots of credits for APs/IB, etc so you can often get the distribution requirements out the way early. Also, compared to many schools, the number of courses to double major can be as low as 6 classes and to minor as low as 4. Many students can do a double major plus a minor or one major and two minors.