Double majoring at Miami?

<p>Is it easy or hard to double major at Miami? If a person wanted to double major in finance and biology, is that doable?</p>

<p>Double majors are doable, however, Biology and Finance would mean majors in two different colleges, A&S and Business, which would probably make it more difficult. I found the following on the UM Bulletin. It gives some info but you should probably call to get more specifics.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>


<p>All students must complete the requirements for at least one major in one of the areas of specialization. Additionally, students may elect to complete a minor in an area of specialization other than their major. The minor may be in an area of specialization offered by the School of Business Administration or by another school or college of the University. The major and minor requirements are specified by each department. All specialization (major/minor) requirements must be taken for a grade and completed with a grade of C- or higher with an overall grade point average in all major and minor courses attempted of at least a 2.0 unless a higher average is prescribed for a specific major or minor.</p>

<p>Dual Majors are also possible, pending proper scheduling. The only specialized courses that can be counted toward two majors or a major and a minor are those courses specifically listed by number as required for both majors and minors. The elective business departmental courses required for one major or minor may not be utilized to satisfy requirements for a second major or minor. Business students desiring another major outside the School of Business must complete all requirements for both degrees and majors. Students in other colleges and schools desiring a major in the School of Business must complete all requirements for both degrees and majors.</p>

<p>Students are required to finalize their majors and minors prior to the start of their senior year and advise the Office of Undergraduate Business. Students are advised that it often takes more than the minimum 120 semester hours to complete a minor or second major.*</p>

<p>my-3-sons, that was what I was looking for. Thanks.</p>

<p>This may make it sound more broad than it is. At one point my S looked into double majoring in Bus and Comm and I believe that wasn't possible. I suggest people check specifically for what interests them. At this point my S is looking at double majoring in Bus and History and I believe that is possble. Also, the freshman classes for the most part will fulfill requirements in most colleges - either as a required course or as an elective - so if a student changes his or her mind, making the switch doesn't necessarily set you back. Of course each case is different. So check first.</p>

<p>My son in a Microbio/Immunology major at UM. He contemplated a double major for awhile as well, but found that getting the B.S. in science vs. the B.A. in science made it difficult in a completely different school. Thus, he opted for a B.S in micro and 2 minors (Chemistry and Straight Biology), so I think a lot of it depends on whether your going after the B.S. or the B.A. If your looking at Medical School or Grad school, UM recommends the B.S.</p>