How hard is it to double major at Miami?

<p>If i double major in International Studies and Marketing will I be extremely swamped in work? Will I have time to go out and have fun?</p>

<p>It mostly just means you won’t be able to take as many electives. Five classes that you would otherwise dedicate to electives will need to go to these majors. It shouldn’t be too hard.</p>

<p>Son had double major and a minor, but he didn’t have to take required course outside majors as he was a Foote Fellow. Unsure how many required courses (credit hrs) there are?</p>

<p>Any overlap in courses for both of your majors?</p>

<p>Depends on how many credits you came in with. I’m doing a Creative Writing and Business (undecided) double major and it would have taken 5 years if I hadn’t had AP credit. But now I’m only taking 15 credit hours a semester and I’m graduating on time.</p>

<p>It also depends on how focused you’re willing to make your class schedule, I think. I’m double majoring and double minoring, and I came in with nine credits transfered and 3 AP credits (only three of these credits counted for a requirement of any sort) and I’m going to graduate on time. I had a few 18 credit semesters, but I also had a few 13 and 14 credit semesters.</p>

<p>I got accepted for Exercise Physiology. I’m interested in Athletic Training too, for the pre-physical therapy track, so I would like to double major in both! There is a lot of overlap between the classes, so would it be very difficult for me to do this?</p>

<p>@rankinr-- I’m assuming you are double majoring and minoring in the same school. That makes it a lot easier. Since mine are in two different colleges, there’s not a whole lot of overlap. My creative writing pretty much only fills the remains of elective requirements.</p>

<p>And you’re doing business which requires like 50+ credits I think… it’s basically a double major in and of itself. ;)</p>

<p>Chinadoll, I don’t think it would be too hard, especially considering the majors are very similar.</p>