<p>I've been accepted into the class of 2015, and I was wondering if it is possible to do a double minor. The other school I'm looking at would allow me to study anthropology, archaeology, and ancient history. Does anyone have an idea of if it's at all possible to do two minors, and if so, how hard is it to complete the requirements? (I'm definitely thinking I'll do Anthropology with a minor in Archaeology, since I want to be an archaeologist, and adding on a minor in Ancient History if possible.)</p>
<p>I believe you can have only one formal minor or second major. Doesn’t mean you can’t have a formal minor and the equivalent of a second. The designation of minor is, well, pretty minor. Especially since all three of your interests are fairly close, not like Biology and English, Government and Math, Simon and Garfunkle.</p>
<p>If Smith or one of the Five Colleges offers the courses, you can take them. As TD says, having an official minor (or two) doesn’t really matter as much as the actual courses. If you are thinking of graduate school, then programs will be looking at your transcripts to see what relevant coursework you’ve taken. They won’t care whether you’ve fulfilled a minor or not.</p>
<p>You can’t double minor. You can (and must) major. You can major and minor. You can double major. But you cannot double major and you cannot double major and minor. </p>
<p>However there is absolutely nothing to stop you from completing the requirements of two minors. You will only have one officially declared on your transcript, but no one will stop you from taking the classes and when applying for jobs you can always say “Besides majoring in anthropology with a minor in archaeology, I also pursued focused academic studies on the ancient culture of Imaginaria.”</p>
<p>Thank you so much! That’s exactly what I wanted to know.</p>
<p>This should have said about you cannot double MINOR. You can definitely double major. But it looks like you got my meaning. Glad that was helpful!</p>
<p>However, if you get a talking bird you can have a major, a minor, and a mynah. And when the folks from Boston are speaking, you won’t be able to tell which of the last two they’re talking about.</p>
<p>I got this from the Smith page. It should help you.
<a href=“https://docs.google.com/a/asij.ac.jp/viewer?a=v&q=cache:vqsgLZTMSEwJ:www.smith.edu/classdeans/new_documents/choosing_a_major/current/FAQCHOOSINGAMAJOR_000.doc+double+minors+at+smith&hl=ja&gl=jp&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShvidYAYqTAuevvjy9Rso59rV8wRXpb2wBgcn_rK45MYDzXwP9PsqlOSoy4rExTTP_VDo4adhORgOxy7_9cyfaCaj-k3-itjoGwEfuFyBxjpRjJhvb-NFWTVa9gVxjU1zTyh9cp&sig=AHIEtbRQmCEcKyhyflJWtRL2a4SGLRBi5A&pli=1[/url]”>https://docs.google.com/a/asij.ac.jp/viewer?a=v&q=cache:vqsgLZTMSEwJ:www.smith.edu/classdeans/new_documents/choosing_a_major/current/FAQCHOOSINGAMAJOR_000.doc+double+minors+at+smith&hl=ja&gl=jp&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShvidYAYqTAuevvjy9Rso59rV8wRXpb2wBgcn_rK45MYDzXwP9PsqlOSoy4rExTTP_VDo4adhORgOxy7_9cyfaCaj-k3-itjoGwEfuFyBxjpRjJhvb-NFWTVa9gVxjU1zTyh9cp&sig=AHIEtbRQmCEcKyhyflJWtRL2a4SGLRBi5A&pli=1</a></p>
<p>TD, you crack me up!</p>