<p>Okay, I am a fourteen-year-old eighth grader from New Jersey who applied to Lawrenceville and Deerfield for freshman year next year. At Lawrenceville, I got waitlisted. However, my letter mentioned that if and when they were too pull off the waitlist, I would be one of the first to be offered admission. That's not a direct quote but it's pretty similar.</p>
<p>I think the reasons I didn't get accepted are: I have no siblings there, I'm white, I'm from New Jersey, and I play field hockey and lacrosse just like every other girl who applied. And also, my application obviously impressed them enough to like me but not enough so that it would give me immediate acception.</p>
<p>So then my mom called the lady who interviewed me just to clarify what my chances were. The lady knew who I was right away. Later my mom called her old friend who works in admissions. He said that I'm pretty much in I just need a "spot".</p>
<p>Then I got waitlisted at Deerfield. I saw the master and so did like everyone else who applied. I haven't seen the letter yet so I don't know if I'm at the top or what, but I don't think I have a great chance of getting in.</p>
<p>So, what are the odds of me getting in to either school and what can I do to increase my chances??</p>
<p>I think it is post 17 in this thread that lists a similar letter. I believe that people posted that they got off the WL last year for Lawrenceville, but I am not sure. I think it makes a difference if you are from NJ and you applied for Day vs. Boarding. Just hypothetically, if you applied Day, you might call and asked to be considered for either Day or Boarding off the waitlist to improve your chances (if you are willing or can do either one). If you live too far away, I do not think they will find Day to be an option.</p>
Field hockey - 3 years of experience as well as winter teams and clinics, and summer camps. (Not good enough for a hook.)
Lacrosse - Approx. 2 years of experience plus clinics.
Skiing - 10 years of experience but no team or racing experience.
Dance - Approx. 2-3 years of experience.
Student council (social committee) - Vice President of 8th grade, one year of experience</p>
<p>Average would usually be an A- or B+, lowest I’ve ever gotten on a report card being a B- (in a class a year and a half of the norm for my school, two and a half for a normal school), and the highest obviously being an A. My school doesn’t give A+s.</p>
<p>For my grade, you can only be advanced in two subjects, Language and Math. Language you can only be advanced if you came to the school with having learned the basics of the language in a previous course. I didn’t, but I’m good at Spanish (the language I take) so I don’t care. Math, I’m in geometry honors as an 8th grader.</p>
<p>The school I currently attend is at par with these boarding schools, but may be a little less prestigious. I think the fact that I already go to a great school may be hurting me, because they know that I’ll be fine without their school. That’s also why I only applied to two.</p>
<p>I don’t have any direct experience in getting in from a waiting list. Last year’s posts suggest calling the schools, writing letters, and sending additional credentials as they become available.</p>
<p>The point is to let them know that if you were offered a spot, you would take it. You want them to know that they are your first choice.</p>
<p>anothermom2 -
thanks for the link! my letter was literally the EXACT same thing, except for the whole part about “family connections” because i don’t have any.</p>
<p>Hey!! I got placed on the waiting list too! My dad knows a 2 people there, the PTA chairman and the person who manages the finances. He had them write recommendation letters for me. My recommendation letter said exactly the same thing!</p>
<p>If you didn not indicate that the school was your first choice, the school may not be sure you will attend if they accept you and waitlist . If you are truly on top of waitlist, then you should write/call the school right away telling them that as soon as they accept you, you will reciprocate with a deposit check. Of course you must be sure thats the school to which you want to be going .</p>
<p>I applied last year to Hotchkiss, Deerfield, Taft, and Berkshire. I was accepted to Taft and Berkshire and waitlisted at Deerfield and Hotchkiss. From my experience, I can tell you that Hotchkiss and Deerfield are usually oversubscribed (too many enroll, thus there are few spots for acceptance from the waitlist). As for Lawrenceville, I am unsure about their policy.</p>
<p>Although I liked Taft, I turned it down and went to Berkshire. I love it here! I’m top of my class (academically of course) and am just having a great time!</p>
<p>I know how you feel. Its frustrating when you’re waitlisted at so many schools. I wish you best of luck this spring, and by the way, stay on the waitlist as long as possible (even through the summer).</p>
<p>getting off the waitlist is really hard >.> just reality man.
my friend who was accept at exeter and waitlisted at andover
just accepted exeter and stayed on the andover waitlist until late late august</p>