<p>A new ED/EA season has passed which means a boatload of deferees are running around like headless chickens (like me!). If you have any advice on how to get one's name onto the acceptance list come April, please share the wealth!
To get you started: Is there a particular strategy? Are there ways to find out the weak parts of your application? What kind of material should you send to them/ how much material is TOO much? And yes, I know that its important to keep my grades up for midyear reports... i want some real inside information here!</p>
<p>Adcoms will be impressed if you call them directly and ask if they might be able to tell you which parts of your application were weakest.</p>
<p>^^^I’d say just the opposite. Let’s see, AOs have just finished a hectic early round, now they’re heading into an even larger caseload with RD admissions. They would really appreciate a deferred early applicant who calls up and wants a review of their application. Not.</p>
<p>If something new comes up (an award, etc.), then submit it to supplement your application, that’s about the most you can do for your early school. For your other schools, do reread your essays (or have them read by others) and make sure they present you in the best, most unique light possible.</p>
<p>That was something a Yale adcom told me.</p>
<p>Edit: So take it for what it’s worth.</p>