Dr. Chungs 78 DOLLARS?

Hey. So this Dr. Chungs SAT math prep book has been really famous in CC. It appeared in a lot of posts. I saw one were it said it was like 30 bucks. As I am looking at it right now, it says it is 78 dollars. That is ridiculous for a book. Can anyone tell me if I am looking at the wrong book? Post link or something? thanks

Last time I checked, Books A Million was selling it for $28. You can always buy it used or something.

Do you mind checking again please? It might be a problem because I am outside the US and it may be calculating shipping? Please. Also, have you used this book?

http://www.booksamillion.com/p/Dr-John-Chungs-SAT-Math/John-Chung/9781481959797?id=6092343716568 Here you go. Shipping shouldn’t be too expensive. In the US, Amazon’s copy is listed at $75 w/o shipping. I have not used this book, but I plan on purchasing soon to prep for the next SAT I take. I have heard from numerous people that it is a wonderful book.

I checked Amazon and Barnes and Noble and it is mostly going for like $80. It must be out of stock. There are fairly cheap used copies, but you have to be careful they don’t have writing in them.

There are other good books, so I wouldn’t pay that much if the money is important to you.

It should be back to like $30 in a few weeks when a new printing comes out.

It is too expensive at least for me. Have you tried the pwnthesat math book?
I got 800 thanks to that book. You can see his blog. The name of the blog is the same as the book pwnthesat.

It’s obviously out of stock, so I would wait for the price to drop. Yeh, there are other books as good or better, such as Pwn the SAT.

Yeah I looked into that book but ended up going with Grubers. I am almost done with Grubers but I wanted one that focuses more on the harder problems. I thought that Grubers and/or PWN were the best for a basic overview, and then Chung was the extra step towards the 800.

Is PWN better than grubers?

For me, I just used PWNTheSAT. It helped me to get 800 on MATH. I don’t know from other books. I think PWNTHESAT get to the point.