<p>I've always been a jealous person, I'll admit it. Whenever somebody got a higher grade than me I went all hulk and tried to upstage them. Yeah it did make me work harder and push me to the top 10% of my class (Even though I was a year behind everybody else in rigor of classes). But my jealousy got out of hand. I began to make excuses for others like "Ohh, he's not so smart. He got lucky" and "Oh I could do that too, anybody can, all it takes is practice," and I would even begin to despise some of my acquaintances, even though they were nice to me. I felt like a bitter person who hadn't done anything better than them.</p>
<p>How I got over it</p>
<p>A couple days ago my friend received her ACT scores back. She got a 31 with her lowest score being math. Since math is the easiest a bit of practice and she'll easily get a 35-36. I got pretty jealous and wouldn't even congratulate her. But then I realized, I should be happy for this person because she is trying to achieve something. If everybody else was like her, the world would be a better place. We could achieve more as human beings and be satisfied with our own achievements, instead of being jealous over anothers'. So instead of despising her, I applauded her. We need more people like her, especially in high school. We should honor this rarity among average people. Let us not be firemen and douse this fire, but let us be pyromaniacs and spread it to others. In hopes that they too, will catch on fire.</p>
<p>Anyway, that's all. Felt like sharing something of mine.</p>
<p>What about you. How did you get over jealousy?</p>
<p>P.S. If you get the allusion, you get a kudos.</p>
<p>I mean I think that it’s human nature to always be slightly jealous. It doesn’t annoy me when people do better then me, I don’t really care, but when they shove it in my face it’s annoying. I’m at the top of my class, so if I get like a 88 on something and someone who’s not that smart gets a 90 and they’re like “OMG I BEAT HER!” And they tell that to like EVERYONE, including the teacher and everything that’s when it gets annoying. I’m not jealous that she scored 2 points higher, I’m just annoyed so I wish she did worse. But I guess this is a different situation – I think that people who work hard, are nice, and know what they want are amazing, and surely you should applaud them. </p>
<p>Maybe Peter Sellers is the only one who can save me…</p>
<p>I try to be supportive of the accomplishments of others, but sometimes my pretentious and narcissistical best friend and his twin brother, who are both undoubtedly Mensa geniuses, do get to me, especially when one throws an argumentative hissy-fit at the teacher when he gets a 97, and I’m fine with my 94, though I guess that’s not jealousy, just… Annoyance. But they have no high ambitions, just the desire to make all 100s, all they wamt to do is teach English in Korea since the hate America and all of its citizens. That makes me slightly jealous, if I was a true genius then I’d make better use of myself than that…</p>
<p>It’s the same way with me. Whenever someone scores higher on a test than I do they broadcast it to the whole class as if they’ve just won some kind of award. The fact that they did a bit better doesn’t bother me, but their excitement about “beating” me does. Firstly, I’m not one who likes to share my grades with everyone. When people yell out they did better, everyone knows my score is less than whatever he/she got. Secondly, people basing their self-worth off of others really annoys me. It shows that they don’t believe that they can do better, and that they define success as doing better than someone who happens to try really hard.
Thanks for sharing this! It’s nice to see what other people have to say about this subject :)</p>
<p>Yeah I know some people who are like that. They always ccompare class ranks and stuf</p>