<p>Has anyone else used this program? With the myriad of essays that people submit, we want to prevent ourselves from catching arthritis now don't we? I bought the program and I must say that I fell completely in love with it.</p>
<p>Basically, it's a voice recognition program that types out whatever you say. There are several advantages to this.
1) It's a lot faster than typing
2) Saves you a lot of hand cramps (Honors English and ESPECIALLY for writing college essays)
2) Improves your speaking diction (since you have to speak the way you would write)
3) Allows you to write unique essays for each college instead of smudging a general essay's meaning 1000 different ways</p>
<p>Just thought iId share my experience with this program. After writing two English paper with this program, I must say I'm impressed. </p>
<p>P.S. I am dictating this post using DNS.</p>