In short, I’m having extreme issues.
I guess this is to all current struggling college students who don’t want to go back after a month-long winter break and to the parents of college students who are hearing about it.
I’m a college freshman attending a CA state school 7 hrs away from home.
I actually posted back in November about how I was feeling and some backstory on my college experience so far. (It has not gotten any better. The month of December was the worst I’ve ever felt, mentally.)
My depression has never been worse. I’m dreading going back to school and it’s taking a major toll on my daily life.
I also live with my grandparents, and I experienced extreme homesickness when I was there, even though one of my best characteristics is being independent.
Now that I’m home and in the midst of winter break, I’m having crying fits almost every night pondering if I made the right decision and if I should be feeling this way, because I know many college freshmen do.
To the ones who don’t, oh my god you are so amazing! (and lucky)
I haven’t felt this depressed ever in my life, I was officially diagnosed with manic depression and general anxiety disorder in 2017 and I feel like I’ve hit rock bottom.
I can feel the depression every day, at some point of the day. It always starts in my right temple and the sadness is overwhelming for hours. So overwhelming that I could make myself cry in a number of seconds if I wanted to.
I did not have the time to cry or be sad a lot when school was in session, I was taking 5 classes and working 21 hours per week. I thoroughly enjoy being busy and did not feel stressed much. It is times like this when I’m alone and I get in my head about what is best for me and if I was even happy during my first semester. (I wasn’t though, lol).
So basically I don’t know what to do. I don’t even have the energy or motivation to get out of my bed and I have been waking up at 12 noon each day! So much for being productive. I don’t even have the urge to see my best friends. What’s wrong with me.
Living with my grandparents has also taken a toll on me. I’m so sad because they raised me (I have major family issues, parents aren’t in the picture) and I don’t know what I will do when they pass away. They’re in their late 80’s and it’s going to be like losing my parents all over again. I’m only 18 and I don’t know how much I can take.
I cannot see a therapist because my dad took away my health insurance.
Last night, I sobbed to my grandma (I never cry in front of others) about how I was feeling, and she felt so bad she almost started to cry. She gave me reassurance that I can make any decision I want, that I don’t even have to go back after break. Of course, naturally, I don’t want to give in and feel stupid. I fought extremely hard to go to a college far away from home and now I’m facing consequences. I thought I made the right decision. My entire family thinks I’m so happy and that I’m living the college dream. I send them the few photos of the FEW friends I have in college and it portrays an all-around positive experience. It’s the biggest lie I’ve ever told.
I’m almost crying while typing this! This is just a long rant, I’m not looking for any attention. I am truly just wondering if there are any other students in my position, especially with the overwhelming manic depression.
I’m physically exhausted from doing nothing and I don’t know how to help it.
I’ll shut up now!