Dream school or match school?

<p>My stat</p>

<p>SAT 2100
800 math IIC
740 USH
800 foreign lang (native lang.)
720 Chem</p>

<p>Top 5% in the nation for AMC (invited to AIME didn't do so well)</p>

<p>3.75 UW GPA
no rank
very challenging school (seniors said school profile say that or w/e)
plan to include my first quarter senior year grades to boost GPA (as supplement an official updated transcript after sending out app.)</p>

<p>not born in US</p>

<p>ECs strongly focused on IR/diversity.
ECs are pretty good considering my limitation (no citizenship/permanant resident status=no westinghouse, no job, no internship (actually had an offer from NIH, but rescinded the offer after I told them that I'm not a citizen and no SSN), no major contests except for ISEF, no essay contests, and w/e)</p>

essays are gonna be good</p>

<p>recs I recon are going to be good from GC and one teacher, but descent from another teacher.</p>

<p>So anyway.
My dream school is Princeton.
I was originally planning to ED Princeton until I found out about my not so good GPA. </p>

<p>So I lowered the bar and went down on my list and am thinking about JHU or Cornell ED.</p>

<p>What should I do? I don't think I'll regret it even if I get into JHU or Cornell b/c I love them both (but not as much as Princeton)</p>


<p>Hmm...Okay so you're not a citizen or a permanent resident...which means you'll be applying as an international student? I hear the applicant pool for internationals is much more intense.</p>

<p>Also, your SAT reasoning test score is a little on the low side for Princeton, although certainly not out of bounds. If you want to be more competitive, I would suggest retaking for a 2250+ because your GPA is also a little low, although, again, workable. Does your school at least report a decile?</p>

<p>You need strong ECs to make up for your somewhat below-average grades. There are many international students who still have great ECs. They may be restricted from certain contests and competitions, but you can still take part in academic and cultural clubs, athletics, obtain leadership positions, and do community service.</p>

<p>Just out of curiosity, why did you never become a permanent resident? I wasn't born in the United States either (I have dual Indian/Canadian citizenship) but currently live in America and have a resident alien green card. I made it a point to get one so that I could have the same rights as anybody else. I don't mean to pry or anything; you don't have to answer.</p>

<p>If you feel that you were at a disadvantage with your ECs, explain so on your application. ED is the kind of thing that, in my opinion, is reserved for your dream school, so I see no reason why you shouldn't apply to Princeton. But if you feel that you would be just as happy at Cornell or JHU as you would at Princeton, then it doesn't really matter.</p>

<p>Personally I think that there are many extremely qualified students who get rejected from Princeton every year, and some less qualified students who are admitted on the basis of hooks and diversity. There is no exact formula for admissions, especially to top schools like Princeton. If there is any very unique quality about you, or if you have a good hook, then you may have a decent shot.</p>

<p>Can we assume good SATI math and lower CR? Anyway you slice it, Princeton with a 2100 is very unlikely. Cornell is a reach also, JHU best shot.</p>

<p>just do princeton ED. you have a decent chance at jhu and cornell, but if princeton is where you want to go, better to take the risk and have no regrets/what ifs. you can always do EDII to your top pick between cornell and hopkins, but i think you have a better chance at cornell because its bigger and admits ED students at a high rate (if it does EDII)</p>

<p>Cornell does not do ED II.</p>

<p>well I came to us like 4 years ago and i'm in the process of becoming a permanat resident, but it's not complete yet.</p>

<p>yes high math and low CR, but i'm thinking of trying to show adcoms my proficiency in English by taking TOEFL and getting a good score.</p>

<p>I am working on SAT I. I'm prepping for Nov. test.</p>

<p>GPA? yes maybe decile I think top 10%.
I'm gonna work on GPA senior year since first quarter senior grades are very important.</p>

<p>Yes I would like to go to Princeton very much, but until my SAT scores and GPA become solid (in like October), I won't know for sure if I should at least try.</p>


<p>any more?</p>