hahha chances

<p>hi everyone! well i'm a junior, and i've dreamt of going to princeton since i was like 10, but thats besides the point. i'm also showing interest towards more practical schools. my sats arent great (1970 with very low verbal). to make this short, my gpa/rank/extra curriculars are great. idk if that really makes up for a sucky sat though. i guess my greatest accomplishments are science research for 3 years at st john's university, going to intel this coming school year. and also, i just finished writing a movie script, hoping to do something with it before i graduate from college (2011ish). thats pretty cool i think but will it help me get into princeton? i want an honest opinion, because if not, then i should stop dreaming of attending in '07.</p>

<p>I'd say raise your scores by 200+ points...otherwise I would not say that you have much of a shot...try taking the SAT again, and practice beforehand...your ECs are good, but not good enough to make up for scores that low (for an ivy anyway...you can still get into a good school with those scores, just probably not pton)</p>

<p>how good do you think? i actually have a 2000 now, with more extracurriculars, awards, and such. im really looking into cornell, what do you think? i would really appreciate the input</p>

<p>thought about princeton since 4th grade... wanted to go to yale last year... then changed my mind. all good, got in. :D</p>

<p>anyway, shoot for the stars. "american dream"</p>

<p>I'd say do whatever you want to do (Cornell, Princeton, etc), but it can't hurt to raise your SAT scores. Your ECs sound exceptional to me, but I don't know how that's weighted with standardized testing.</p>

<p>good luck in any case</p>

<p>Take The Act</p>