<p>I'm kinda new to this, but I am just going to put my stuff out there and see what my chances are from my peers perspective. :)</p>
<p>Info: I am a 9th grader applying as a repeat to SHADE(a better name than HADES I think), Lawrenceville, St. Marks, Brooks and Taft.</p>
<p>Classes: Algebra 1, Geometry, Honors English 9, Honors Mod World History, Film as Lit (credit equivalent of English 12), US History, French 1, and Physical Science.</p>
<p>Hooks: I have taken Latin for 5 years with a summa cum laude on the national latin exam 2 years in a row. Classics and the Humanities are my strong point and I want to be a Classics teacher at a prep school someday. </p>
<p>Sports and Music: Track for 2 years, 100m 4x100m relay, discus, javelin and 200m. Went to districts 2 years ago. I am starting LaCrosse this year and want to try Crew. I play the violin (3yrs), piano(4yrs), cello (just started) and accordion...kind of...lol. I have been singing for over 6 years, I am currently in 2 choirs, (one an auditioned and the other required and non auditioned). I have been involved in musical theatre for 3 years and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!</p>
<p>Interviews: most went splendidly!</p>
<p>SSAT: 91% overall, 800 in verbal, 698 in Math and 91% in reading (can't remember the #)</p>
<p>Yes, I will be needing FA but most all the schools are need blind.</p>
<p>Well, this is pretty much me, thank you so much for taking the time to do this, it means a lot!</p>