Dreaming for Deerfield!


<p>I'm kinda new to this, but I am just going to put my stuff out there and see what my chances are from my peers perspective. :)</p>

<p>Info: I am a 9th grader applying as a repeat to SHADE(a better name than HADES I think), Lawrenceville, St. Marks, Brooks and Taft.</p>

<p>Classes: Algebra 1, Geometry, Honors English 9, Honors Mod World History, Film as Lit (credit equivalent of English 12), US History, French 1, and Physical Science.</p>

<p>Hooks: I have taken Latin for 5 years with a summa cum laude on the national latin exam 2 years in a row. Classics and the Humanities are my strong point and I want to be a Classics teacher at a prep school someday. </p>

<p>Sports and Music: Track for 2 years, 100m 4x100m relay, discus, javelin and 200m. Went to districts 2 years ago. I am starting LaCrosse this year and want to try Crew. I play the violin (3yrs), piano(4yrs), cello (just started) and accordion...kind of...lol. I have been singing for over 6 years, I am currently in 2 choirs, (one an auditioned and the other required and non auditioned). I have been involved in musical theatre for 3 years and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!</p>

<p>Interviews: most went splendidly!</p>

<p>SSAT: 91% overall, 800 in verbal, 698 in Math and 91% in reading (can't remember the #)</p>

<p>Yes, I will be needing FA but most all the schools are need blind.</p>

<p>Well, this is pretty much me, thank you so much for taking the time to do this, it means a lot!</p>

<p>Sorry, I just forgot a couple things. :)</p>

<p>Volunteer work: I am a Cadet in Civil Air Patrol and rose to second in command in one year. Also we did a lot of volunteering at Salvation Army etc.</p>

<p>Geography: I have lived in Oregon and Idaho and am now living in OR. (I only know of one other person applying to Deerfield this year from OR, but I’m sure that there are others.) I’m not sure if geography helps but I hope it does!</p>

<p>Thats all :)</p>

<p>probably willl. but then again, thats just me.</p>

<p>thanks :slight_smile: I’m really looking forward to March 10!</p>

<p>schoolgirlusa, where are you applying to?? :)</p>

<p>ummmm sure?</p>



<p>lax…really? that bad…:(</p>

<p>106 views…does no one believe in me?..(cries pitifully)…</p>

<p>I believe in you! You seem extremely well-rounded.
The only comment that I have: is there one characteristic about you that is very special (a personal characteristic)? Many people applying are going to have similar credentials as you except for the hook. How are your essays?</p>

<p>My essays were really good…in my opinion :slight_smile: Well, a couple hooks are my Lain and greek background and that I plan on getting my pilots license in a couple years.</p>

<p>i dont think ur background and pilot license can be classified as a hook. i dont know who im coping but i think this describes a hook farely well</p>


  1. Family leagacy- and big $$$$. is ur family a big contributer to the school?
  2. Sports and artists and muscisians- How can you help out the school in the field. Are you that good at lax that you can be an impactful player? Music- first chair, amazing does te school need a new musciisan for your instrument. artist- are u classified as an amazing artist of some sort?
  3. Geography and URM- From what I know from my friends at boarding schools, being from Alaska or some unhaerd country in africa can help. also i see you have greek and latin as a ur baground, those cultures are rather common at boarding schools?</p>

<p>I think you habve a great chance, but loet us clarify the real meaning of hoook. On CC ppl place too much emphasis on hooks, but be aware not everyone does. My interviewere for exeter(dean of admission) told me that only 10 percent of appplicants actually present a real special interest in teh school?</p>

<p>not everyone has hooks, but everyone can be well rounded</p>
